Alex Salzman

President & CEO

Alex Salzman is a network theory economist, innovator, and entrepreneur. Alex coined the term ‘Total Net Worth’ (Human Capital + Relationship Capital + Financial Capital) and has developed related economic theory and business applications for the optimal movement of information, trust, and value across networks.

While earning a degree in Economics at Princeton University, Alex co-founded Rethos. Called in press “a myspace with a conscience,” Rethos provided a feed of relevant content, events and opportunities amongst individuals, nonprofits and businesses matched on social/environment issues of common concern. Rethos was acquired by TSXV listed Engagement Labs.

Alex founded VisCap, a family office advisory and management consultancy working with emerging talent and world leaders, while providing access to trusted business relationships. VisCap efforts to scale gave rise to Visionary Access Network, an arranged meeting network with increasing self-organizing decentralization and automation.

Alex takes a pay-it-forward approach to being a custodian of relationship capital and shared value. Alex protects Visionary Access Network stakeholders’ long term interests and mission: provide on-demand matched access to truthful information and reputable relationships, which are root solutions to pressing individual, organizational, and societal needs.