
Matches with Clients

“Visionary took the time to understand my expertise and the consulting relationships I was seeking. Visionary brought me into their client engagements with a security IoT company, and a digital assets hedge fund, and secured me projects to prepare investor materials and advise on the capital raising process.”

Finance Professional, London

Matches with Investors

“Every time that Visionary presents me investment opportunities, they are relevant to my focus, high caliber, and with accomplished management teams. I have made one investment thus far and I am working with Visionary build out that venture while reviewing other opportunities together.”

Private Investor, Vancouver/Hong Kong

Matches with Hires

“I interned at Visionary and then hired them to support me with my career goals. They supported me to prepare my overview materials, and advised me on how to approach key relationships based on my particular interests and skills in food justice. They made targeted introductions and I was was able to secure an internship with a urban agriculture firm."

Professional, New York City

Other Matches

“We engaged Visionary for their Business Development as a Service. They rebuilt our CRM, supported our internal arranged meetings, introduced us to multiple firms that matched our impact focus that signed up as clients, and introduced other relationships that we hired.”

Merchant Bank, New York City

Matches with Clients

“Visionary worked with us in office to advise on our business plan and CSR Database & Research Report product launch. Visionary partnered us with a leading sustainability focused conference company and supported the negotiation of a co-selling relationship. This led to customers for our inaugural research report, including Fortune 500 brand name companies.”

Venture, San Francisco

Matches with Investors

“Visionary took the time to understand my overlapping interests in real estate and early stage technology investing. They then presented me a building operations technology company and I participated in their seed round of financing.”

Private Investor, New York City

Matches with Hires

"I am an ongoing participant in Visionary's Referral Exchange. My referrals have resulted in new Members and clients for Visionary, and their referrals have twice lead me to be employed by industry leading firms in renewable energy."

Professional, New York City

Matches with Clients

“Visionary hosted events and private meetings at our offices and recommend our accounting advisory services to target venture capital firms. This led to an accounting client in the health & biotech merchant bank. I have since changed firms, but kept this very trusted relationship as an ongoing client.”

Accounting Firm, New York

Other Matches

“Visionary Featured our non-profit during their end of year impact arranged meetings, and at their bi-coastal holiday party in NYC and San Francisco. We were able to secure donations and make new meaningful connections.”

Non-Profit Organization, Palo Alto

Matches with Investors

“Visionary has presented our angel group relevant investment opportunities, and worked with our Members to involve them in their Advisory Partner expert network. A group made commitments to a children’s early learning company, and I joined their Advisory Board. Another Member of our network with expertise in the food industry secured a consulting engagement with a company in the consumer fish industry.”

Angel Group, New York City

Matches with Hires

“Visionary has referred me to global opportunities relevant to my particular expertise and relationships in gaming, philanthropy and beyond. In a short period of time Visionary has secured me a Advisory Board role with a venture disrupting the lottery industry, and other clients as well.”

Public Figure, Los Angeles

Other Matches

“Visionary introduced one of our clients, a gold medal Paralympic athlete, to a national brand probiotic beverage company. This resulted in an initial promotional partnership.”

Talent Agency, Los Angeles

Matches with Investors

“I was referred into Visionary by my son who knew one of the Founding Members through university. Visionary personalized their approach to me, took the time to understand my background and interests, and presented me with targeted investment opportunities. So far, I have made one investment via the Visionary Network and continue to see and consider new opportunities Visionary uncovers.”

Private Investor, Boston

Other Matches

"Visionary accompanied me at key industry conferences and represented us at others this past year, across the US, and in Asia. Visionary was able to negotiate speaking opportunities and co-hosted receptions with access to conference attendee lists so that we could target the relationships we were seeking. This saved us sponsorship fees. Further, Visionary supported us to manage the resulting pipeline of new relationships."

Venture, Phoenix

Matches with Investors

“I opted into Visionary during a powered by Visionary conference. Since then, Visionary has introduced me to entrepreneurs and fund managers with relevant investment opportunities in cannabis, blockchain, and real estate. I have invested in one real estate fund.”

Private Investor, Los Angeles

Other Matches

"Visionary layered their marketing and arranged meetings onto our reception during Blockchain Week NYC this past year. The attendance grew from approximately 20 of our confirmed guests, to over 50 with Visionary. The caliber of their attendees and their pre/during/post event arranged meetings enabled us to meet with influential C-Levels, and investors as per those we asked them to target."

Venture, Beijing

Matches with Investors

“Visionary introduced me to a Bay Area local digital assets hedge fund and I made an investment. Visionary has also been introducing me to investors for my own hedge fund.”

Hedge Fund Manager, San Francisco

Other Matches

“I have been an Advisory and Access Partner with Visionary since the inception of the network. My engagements with Visionary’s Members have taken me across the US, to Bermuda, and to Davos, Switzerland. I am recommending Visionary to my relationships at the highest levels of business, entertainment, and government.”

Public Figure, Atlanta

Matches with Investors

"Visionary has presented our family office with high quality opportunities in digital assets. We made an investment into a VC backed blockchain based application, and are now considering how else we can benefit from participating in the Visionary Network."

Family Office, Los Angeles

Other Matches

"Visionary traveled to our offices in San Diego and accompanied us for meetings and a series of featured presentations in Los Angeles. This resulted in a client and business development partnership with an entertainment studio hosting esports events.”

Venture, San Diego

Matches with Investors

“We were one of Visionary’s first clients. Their team was knowledgeable about the early stage fundraising expertise and diligent in their approach. Their arranged meetings resulted in an allocation to our amateur sports app from a prominent VC.”

Venture, New York City

Other Matches

“Visionary has recommended our conference to their network and we secured investor attendees, as well as paying sponsors. We piloted an international event in Bermuda and Visionary’s arranged meeting integration into the agenda was able to attract key attendees. We are planning global events powered by Visionary during the year ahead.”

Event Producer, Toronto

Matches with Investors

“Visionary arranged and attended multiple meetings in Boston and NYC with investors that had relevant interests and expertise in media publishing, impact, and ventures local to NYC. This resulted in investments from a publishing executive, a NYC angel group, and an intermediary that brought us an allocation from an international family office. Multiple of these investors also joined our advisory board.”

Venture, New York City

Other Matches

“Visionary joined our venture to both introduce investors, as well as clients. A private investor made a commitment, and Visionary was able to get us a pitch meeting with brand name tech companies in the Bay Area. We have been working through the process with one of the REIT operators in the Bay Area to begin a pilot engagement, and we appreciate Visionary’s commitment to our venture partnership by supporting that relationship ongoing.”

Venture, Boston