Brett M. Brown, Managing Partner, Double Jump Capital

Industry: Video Game (the largest segment of the entertainment industry)
Summary: a successful global video game royalty fund that invests similarly to the “Press & Advertising” media model found within sports and entertainment/media


  • Video Game Industry:
  • Is uncorrelated to the stock, bond, crypto, and commodities markets.
  • Continues to experience explosive, accelerating growth (through different market cycles including the pandemic) generating ~$200 billion in revenues and with over 3 billion gamers worldwide.
  • DJC Fund:
  • Focuses on pre-release playable games with “high return” potential requiring capital to launch and market the game within 6 months or less.
  • ROI scales with every game unit sold, every in-game transaction purchased, every ad displayed, and every social transaction completed.
  • Investment capital is the last invested dollar in, yet the first gross revenue dollar out (LIFO) with monthly cash wires received by the fund via Apple, Google, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Steam, and others that are not subject to market fluctuations.
Seeking: LP investment

Brett M. Brown, Managing Partner, Double Jump Capital

Industry: Video Game (the largest segment of the entertainment industry)
Summary: a successful global video game royalty fund that invests similarly to the “Press & Advertising” media model found within sports and entertainment/media


  • Video Game Industry:
  • Is uncorrelated to the stock, bond, crypto, and commodities markets.
  • Continues to experience explosive, accelerating growth (through different market cycles including the pandemic) generating ~$200 billion in revenues and with over 3 billion gamers worldwide.
  • DJC Fund:
  • Focuses on pre-release playable games with “high return” potential requiring capital to launch and market the game within 6 months or less.
  • ROI scales with every game unit sold, every in-game transaction purchased, every ad displayed, and every social transaction completed.
  • Investment capital is the last invested dollar in, yet the first gross revenue dollar out (LIFO) with monthly cash wires received by the fund via Apple, Google, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Steam, and others that are not subject to market fluctuations.
Seeking: LP investment